Nutmeg - CeylaNeo



Nutmeg, a treasure of the spice world, delights with its warm and aromatic flavor profile. Derived from the seeds of the evergreen tree Myristica fragrans, nutmeg has a rich history and is native to the tropical forests of Sri Lanka.Here's an overview of Ceylon nutmeg, its uses, and benefits:

Flavorful Spice

Ceylon nutmeg has a warm, sweet, and aromatic flavor with hints of nuttiness and a slightly bitter undertone. It is used as a spice to enhance the flavor of various dishes.

Culinary Uses

Ceylon nutmeg is a versatile spice used in both sweet and savory culinary preparations. It is commonly used in baking, such as in cakes, pastries, cookies, and bread. It is also added to savory dishes like soups, stews, sauces, and curries for its distinctive flavor and aroma. Nutmeg is often used in combination with other spices to create complex flavor profiles.

Digestive Aid

Nutmeg has been used in traditional medicine as a digestive aid. It is believed to stimulate the digestive system, improve appetite, and relieve digestive discomforts like bloating, gas, and indigestion. Nutmeg can be consumed in moderation to support healthy digestion.

Aromatic Spice

Ceylon nutmeg is highly aromatic and is often used in aromatherapy practices. Its pleasant scent is believed to have calming and relaxing effects, promoting a sense of well-being and reducing stress.

Nutritional Benefits

Nutmeg contains various vitamins and minerals, including manganese, copper, and vitamin B6. It is also a source of dietary fiber. While it is not typically consumed in large quantities, incorporating nutmeg into your diet can contribute to overall nutrient intake.

Traditional Medicine

In traditional medicine, nutmeg has been used for its potential medicinal properties. It has been associated with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects. However, further research is needed to fully understand and validate these potential health benefits.

Home Remedies

Nutmeg has been used in various home remedies for ailments like toothaches, coughs, colds, and insomnia. However, it's important to note that these remedies should be used with caution and in consultation with healthcare professionals.

Ceylon nutmeg, with its distinct flavor and potential health benefits, is a valuable spice that adds depth and character to a wide range of culinary creations. As with any spice, it is best enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and in moderate amounts.

Standard Quality Specifications

Nutmeg Seed (with shell)

  • Large
  • Medium
  • Small

Nutmeg seed (without shell)

  • Large
  • Medium
  • Small
  • B.W.P. (Broken, Wormy, Punky)


  • Grade I special
  • Grade I
  • Grade ll

Extraneous Matter: Shall not be more than 1% by mass in either grade

Pack Sizes

Product Category (with shell) Standard Packaging Size
Grade I 1kg, 5kg, 25kg
Grade II 1kg, 5kg, 25kg
BWP 1kg, 5kg, 25kg

Product Category (without shell) Standard Packaging Size
Large 1kg, 5kg, 25kg
Medium 1kg, 5kg, 25kg
Small 1kg, 5kg, 25kg

Product Category (Mace) Standard Packaging Size
Grade I special 1kg, 5kg, 25kg
Grade I 1kg, 5kg, 25kg
Grade II 1kg, 5kg, 25kg